南方财经全媒体 见习记者梁旭琦 广州报道
Tomoaki Katae, General Manager of ITOCHU Guangzhou Ltd, discusses the company’s rapid growth in the Greater Bay Area and the ongoing expansion of their business portfolio. Katae emphasizes ITOCHU’s commitment to adopting a market-oriented approach, constantly expanding into new sectors based on evolving market needs.
Katae stresses the importance of investment as a driver of growth and innovation. The company plans to continue seeking new investment opportunities in the Greater Bay Area, leveraging the region's dynamic business environment. As one of China’s key economic hubs, Guangzhou is uniquely positioned to offer favorable conditions for foreign investment, and ITOCHU is actively taking advantage of these opportunities.
Looking ahead, Katae reveals that ITOCHU will focus on environmental sustainability, particularly in decarbonization and low-carbon sectors, while continuing to explore new business opportunities in retail. With the support of ITOCHU’s global network, they aim to expand their business from China to the global market. Katae believes these efforts will contribute significantly to the development of Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, and the Greater Bay Area as a whole, as ITOCHU remains committed to building a bright future alongside its partners.
Chief Producer: Yu Xiaona
Supervising Producer: Shi Shi
Editor: Li Yinong
Reporter: Junior Reporter Liang Xuqi
Video Editor: Cai Yutian
New Media Coordination: Ding Qingyun, Zeng Tingfang, Lai Xi, Huang Daxun
Overseas Operations Supervising Producer: Huang Yanshu
Overseas Content Coordinator: Huang Zihao
Overseas Operations Editors: Zhuang Huan, Wu Wanjie, Long Lihua, Zhang Weitao
Produced by: Southern Finance Omnimedia Group
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